
0 When Should You Use Video on Your Website? Unlocking the Power of Dynamic Backgrounds and Landing Pages

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  Have you ever wondered whether adding a video to your website’s background or landing page will  boost engagement or slow things down? The answer isn’t as simple as you might think. In this post, we’ll explore when to use video, when to skip it, and how to make the right choice for your website.

  Is a video background the secret sauce your website is missing, or could it be dragging your site’s performance into the ground? While videos can create an instant "wow" factor, they can also have unintended consequences. Should you add one to your website? Let’s dive deep into the pros and cons of using video on your landing page and background, and explore whether it’s the right move for your business.

1. The Appeal of Video Backgrounds: A Double-Edged Sword

There’s no denying it—video backgrounds look stunning. They immediately grab attention and make your site feel dynamic and alive. For certain brands, like creative agencies or fashion houses, videos can showcase a vibe or aesthetic that static images just can’t match. But when is a video background more of a distraction than an asset?

When to Use Video Backgrounds:

  • Storytelling: If your brand has a strong visual story to tell, video backgrounds can help capture that narrative instantly. Think of a travel website using breathtaking drone shots of exotic landscapes to inspire adventure.

  • Branding: For highly visual industries—like fashion, art, or design—a video background can set the mood and give a sense of your brand’s essence. For instance, a luxury brand could use slow-motion shots of high-end products in action.

  • Impact: If you want your visitors to feel something the moment they land on your page—whether it’s excitement, curiosity, or awe—a video background might just do the trick.

When Not to Use Video Backgrounds:

  • Loading Speed: If your video is slowing down the website’s loading time, it’s doing more harm than good. Studies show that 53% of mobile users will abandon a page that takes more than three seconds to load. If your video takes too long to load, users won’t stick around long enough to even see it.

  • Distraction: Sometimes, less is more. A video background can overshadow the content on the page, making it harder for users to focus on your message. If your goal is to get users to fill out a form or click on a specific CTA, a video might be too much of a distraction.

2. Videos on Landing Pages: The Balancing Act

A video on your landing page can work wonders—when used correctly. The key is knowing when to use video as the focal point of your page, and when to rely on other elements like images or well-structured text.

When to Use Videos on Landing Pages:

  • Explainer Videos: If your product or service needs a bit of explaining, a short, well-crafted video can do in a minute what text might take pages to accomplish. A SaaS company, for example, could benefit greatly from a 60-second video walking users through their product’s features.

  • Emotional Appeal: Video excels at creating an emotional connection. Non-profits, for instance, could use a video to tell the story of the people they’ve helped, stirring empathy and inspiring action.

  • Data-Heavy Information: When your message involves a lot of data or complicated information, video can help break it down into digestible chunks. Think of a financial services company using an animated video to explain investment strategies to beginners.

When Not to Use Videos on Landing Pages:

  • Low Data, High Impact: If your message is simple and direct, adding a video might actually water it down. For example, an online clothing store probably doesn’t need a video to showcase a single product—the product image and a strong call to action would be enough.

  • Autoplay Dangers: If you decide to autoplay a video on your landing page, make sure it doesn’t have sound (or that it’s muted by default). Few things turn visitors away faster than an autoplay video blasting noise when they’re not expecting it.

  • Conversion First: If your page is all about driving conversions, you might want to keep the video in a secondary position. People’s attention spans are short, and you want to direct them toward filling out a form or clicking a "Buy Now" button, not getting lost in a video.

3. Best Practices for Using Video on Your Website

If you decide that video is the right choice for your background or landing page, here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Keep It Short: Videos should be short and to the point. Aim for 30-60 seconds for background videos and no longer than 2 minutes for landing page explainer videos.

  • Optimize for Speed: Compress your video files and host them on fast, reliable servers. Consider using lazy loading to ensure that your page’s content loads first, and the video loads once everything else is ready.

  • Silent by Default: Whether it’s a background video or a landing page video, keep it muted by default. Users should have the option to play sound if they want to, but never assume they do.

  • Make It Skippable: For landing page videos, especially long-form ones, give users the option to skip ahead or pause. Not everyone will want to watch the entire thing, and that’s okay.

4. When It’s Best to Skip the Video

While videos can add an impressive dynamic to your site, sometimes they’re just not the right fit. If your website is primarily content-heavy, such as a blog or an online store, a video might clutter the page and slow down navigation.

Similarly, if most of your audience accesses your site via mobile (check your Google Analytics), consider how videos may affect mobile users with slower connections. Mobile users expect fast, easy access to information, and a video that doesn’t load quickly might send them packing.

Conclusion: Pro Star Planet’s Approach to Graphics and Video on Websites

At Pro Star Planet, we believe that every element of your website, from the imagery to the videos, should serve a purpose. When it comes to video, we make sure that it enhances your message without overwhelming your audience. We use video strategically to create engaging, fast-loading websites that grab attention and drive conversions.

If you’re ready to boost your website with the perfect balance of videos, images, and SEO-optimized content, visit us at We’ll craft a site that speaks directly to your audience, fast and effectively. Let’s make your website work for you, not against you.